Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Midriff

The definition of midriff is the human abdomen. After watching the video, Merchants of Cool, the term midriff became familiar to us all. It is the image that the media has advertised over and over again in advertisements, movies, T.V. shows, music videos, video games, and in magazines. they have created this image because they think that all teenagers are and want is sex and violence and these things are portrayed through actors, actresses, and models that are often times role models for impressionable teens. The fact that the midriff is really the torso area, but teen girls are called this in this analytical video of the media, goes to show the true definition.

It abdomen is just a symbol of how girls see their body as their most valuable quality. Girls my age, care so much about what other people think that nothing else seems important. I've recently noticed how we've been accustomed to this image since we were 4 or 5 years old. In Disney cartoons and fair tales, the women are seen wearing clothes that cover really only the necessities, wearing a lot of makeup, and being the object that the man swoons her because of her looks. When was the last time you saw a fairy tale that shows the princess really now the prince before they get married. There are very few Disney movies that you will find a women being strong and independent, not looking for a man to take them to his castle.  

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