Thursday, January 21, 2016


Why do we allow the media to do this to us? Why do we let the media invade our privacy, make us feel insecure, like we are so much less than the perfect models that we only see, like we have to change ourselves on media instead of being just us? The media treats us horribly, so why to we love it so much? The only things I can come up with is because we are so addicted to the kind of entertainment that the media has provided for us, we want to feel apart of.

By addicted I mean it is something that we would much rather be doing than going to your job, doing your homework, going to school, or even doing things that, in the past, would be seen has fun, such going hiking or hanging out with friends. And I think the reason we love it so much  is because it allows to take a break from the lives that have to live everyday. Media is one big escape. I hate to admit it, but when I have lots of homework to do I like to go on my phone for "only 5 more minutes' or turn on the T.V. and "just watch one show" because when I do really just forget everything that I'm worried about or stressed out about and I focus on the screen in front of me. The media allows me to go to a different world and I'd rather be watching T.V. than thinking about all of the homework I have to do and that is why I'm addicted. That is why "only 5 more minutes" turns into one hour and "just one more show' turns into two or three more shows.

The second reason I think we are so addicted to media is because it helps us to feel apart of something that is imaginary. The lives of actresses and actors on screen are all imaginary but it still creates something we can have a connection with. Picture yourself sitting on the couch with the T.V. in front of you, watching your favorite show, and your phone in your hand looking at your celebrity crush's Instagram. Now picture the same thing, except this time there is no T.V. and no phone. Imagine how lonely you would feel compared to the feeling when consuming all of this media. It would just be you and your couch. You might not realize it but we do have a deeper connection with media because of the escape it provides and the connection we have with it.

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